Welcome to the launch of Leieboersamvirke - a new model for safe and sustainable rental housing, developed by Leieboerforeningen to promote a fairer housing policy.
Debate / conversation
February 6, 2025

Leieboerforeningen has developed a model for non-commercial and public rental housing called leieboersamvirke. In a property operated and developed by leieboersamvirke the tenants are members of the cooperative and thus also participate in the management of the property and the cooperative. The model has been developed over several years and is supported by Husbanken. The model is now ready for launch. Leieboersamvirker a new model for safe and good housing in cities and districts, and is Leieboerforeningens contribution to a better and sustainable housing policy.
At the launch, you'll meet economist Marie Storli, who works on LO's housing policy committee, social scientist Erling Dokk Holm, architect Arild Eriksen and CEO of Leieboerforeningen Anne-Rita Andal.

Erling Dokk Holm is a senior lecturer at NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He researches many aspects of urban development and real estate development, and also writes about these topics in broader forums.

Arild Eriksen runs the architectural firm Fragment and has contributed to both the development phase of Leieboersamvirker and the design of the report. He is a board member of the Norwegian Tenants' Association, but also of other organizations working to develop housing in the non-commercial rental sector, such as Kunstnerboligforeningen and Ormsundveien Økogrend.

Marie Storli is a social economist and advisor in LO's social policy department, where she works with housing policy. She is the former head of Rethinking Economics Norway, which works to promote innovation in the economics profession. Marie is also a deputy on the board of the Norwegian Tenants' Association.

Anne-Rita Andal is the general manager of the Norwegian Tenants' Association. She has worked extensively with non-commercial housing development and is keen to expand the idea of what a good home can be.