Stasjon 75

A site performance at Adamstuen
Gaute Askild Næsheim, Lasse Valda & Claire de Wangen
October 19th - October 28th 2013

At the former empty tip of Adamstuen, the corner where Ullevalsveien almost meets Eugenies Street has got its very own theater, specifically designed for exactly this place in town, especially for 8-9 year-olds.

Meet the station managers who have an unclear mission to “check” the place. It turns out that the station that they are setting up is operating by its very own logic! They must work their way around it! The audience are taken into Stasjon 75’s own set of rules

Stasjon 75 is commissioned by Transformer.

Transformer is a project developed by the ROM for kunst og arkitektur, visual artist Vigdis Storsveen and Rintala Eggertson architects. Transformer occupies unused urban spaces in the city and creates interactive art projects for the younger generation.

Claire de Wangen is a performing artist who makes theater on site. She has previously made ​​performance in a tree house on Hammersborg, in an abandoned nursing home and the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo. The performances aim to help create new meetings between the site and the audience. Wangen has produced Stasjon 75 ​​with Gaute Askild Næsheim and Lasse Valdal.

Performance Dates

Torsdag 19 September - School Performance
Torsdag 19 September kl 19.00
Lørdag 21 September kl 17.00 - Arkitekturtriennalen, Oslo Open House
Mandag 23 September - School Performance
Tirsdag 24 September - School Performance
Fredag 27 September - School Performance
Lørdag 28 September kl 14.00

Stasjon 75 (2013), Transformer. Photo: Vigdis Storsveen

Stasjon 75 (2013), Transformer. Photo: Vigdis Storsveen

Stasjon 75 (2013), Transformer. Photo: Vigdis Storsveen

Stasjon 75 (2013), Transformer. Photo: Vigdis Storsveen

Stasjon 75 (2013), Transformer. Photo: Vigdis Storsveen

Stasjon 75 (2013), Transformer. Photo: Vigdis Storsveen