New fixed-term contract

ROM's director, Gjertrud Steinsvåg, has signed a new fixed-term contract.

Gjertrud has been the director of ROM since 1 September 2019, and chairman Anders Rubing is pleased to continue the collaboration:

- Working interdisciplinary - between architecture, art, and public space - is both complex and challenging. At ROM, and in the spirit of ROM, Gjertrud Steinsvåg has now created a generous environment. An environment where one is both allowed, enabled, and supported to create truly interdisciplinary projects. She has also established new formats like ROM Studio and thematic long-term initiatives. We are incredibly happy that Gjertrud has accepted a new fixed-term contract. We look forward to seeing how the generosity and formats will contribute to shaping the projects at ROM in the coming years.

Gjertrud and ROM have entered into a six-year agreement that runs until 31 August 2029.