Summer school 2025

Are you over 16, disabled and curious about art and architecture? Welcome to the Summer School at ROM!

Er du over 16 år, funksjonshemmet og nysgjerrig på kunst og arkitektur? Velkommen til Sommerskolen på ROM!

Funksjonshemmede utgjør landets største minoritet, men er samtidig underrepresentert blant kunstnere og arkitekter. Mange opplever daglig å måtte finne kreative løsninger for å navigere i samfunnet, i rom og på steder. Gjennom sommerskolen ønsker vi å utforske hvordan disse erfaringene kan være en verdifull ressurs i kunst- og arkitekturfeltet.

Perhaps you can contribute to this?
The summer school is a week filled with exploration, creativity and new insights. You'll have the opportunity to develop your own ideas or immerse yourself in a technique, craft or working method. Previous experience with art or architecture is not necessary to participate.

Throughout the week, we will explore themes related to place and time, and get to know the work of disabled artists and architects throughout history. We will also highlight our own experiences and expertise as a disabled person in the face of society.

All participants receive a tailor-made assignment with individual guidance and access to materials for practical testing.

We offer:

A week of professional replenishment, lectures and conversations in an exciting and social environment

The opportunity to work on your own assignment, with guidance along the way from committed professionals and partner organizations

Travel and accommodation expenses will be supported (some co-payment must be included, and we will return to this in the follow-up conversation with all applicants. We emphasize that we want you to apply regardless of your own financial situation)

Practical and physical facilitation based on your needs, regardless of your disability

Catering in the form of food and drink

Contributors: Ihra Lill Scharning (Visual artist and educator), Steinar Brovold Hauge (Visual artist and educator) and Malin Langøy Aarbø (Writer and participant contact). 
The program can be expanded with external tutors and speakers along the way.

Fra Sommerskolen 2024, foto: Frank Holtschlag

The summer school at ROM is organized by and for people with disabilities, with a strong focus on uncovering power structures and opening up new perspectives in the field of art and architecture. We want to make it possible for more people with disabilities to apply for higher education in these fields.

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Søknadsfrist 28. mars 2025

Skolen har begrenset antall plasser, og vi vil følge opp alle søkere med individuell samtale om deltagelse.

Ta kontakt med oss om du har spørsmål eller vil vite mer.

Vi gleder oss til å skape en inspirerende uke sammen!