Arkitekturfilm Oslo 2017

ROM, DOGA and Kunstnernes Hus kino together with Cinemateket and Goethe-Institut
3 - 5 February 2017

About Forces in Architecture

Poster, Arkitekturfilm Oslo 2017

Galleri ROM, the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture (DOGA), and Kunstnernes Hus Cinema in collaboration with Cinemateket in Oslo and the Goethe-Institut invite you to a new edition of Architecture Film Oslo, a high-quality festival for architecture and architecture-related films. The program consists of eight documentaries, four feature films, and 28 short films, and like the 2016 edition of the festival, several of the films have their Norwegian premiere. In addition, an animation workshop for children will be held.

Forces Influencing Architecture

The theme of Architecture Film Oslo 2017 is the forces that influence architecture. Architecture is a dominant human activity that requires significant investments. And more than any other human activity, architectural history mirrors the economy of society. Here, the human Homo Economicus is behind and rapidly and fundamentally changing the Earth's state.

This year's festival films reflect various forces that influence our physical surroundings. We witness worlds being created and worlds decaying. And before natural forces reclaim things, it mostly comes down to money. Or as Karl Marx said, "all that is solid melts into air.

The film programme

The Road, Zhang Zanbo, 2015

Rotterdam 2040, Gyz La Rivière, 2013

Novgorod Spaceship, Andrei Rozen, 2016

The Lego movie, Phil Lord, Chris Miller & Chris Mc Kay, 2014

Last Exit Alexanderplatz, Hans Christian Post, 2015

The borrowers, Peter Hewitt, 1997

Homo Sapiens, Nicolaus Geyrhalter, 2016

High Rise, Ben Wheatley, 2016

Double Happiness, Ella Raidel, 2014

Short film The Lowline Lab, Petter Ringbom, 2016

Citizen Jane: Battle for the city, Matt Tyrnauer, 2016

By og blokk dugnad og rock, Diverse, 1961-1982

Berlin Babylon, Hubertus Siegert, 2001

Short film La oss først puste dypt tre ganger, Kristin Bjørseth, 2014