Hands on Practice

A Workshop with Uglycute
August 20th - August 27th, 2006

A workshop where participants, together with Uglycute, build "additions" in the room's existing interior. The starting point and analysis for these additions are drawn from the phenomenon of "Parkour," which is an urban acrobatics technique. Practitioners use the urban space in new and unexpected ways, choosing paths over walls, sidewalks, and buildings.

The results of the workshop will be displayed in an exhibition from August 20th to August 27th at ROM for Art and Architecture.

Hands on practice (2006), Uglycute, workshop. Photo: ROM

Uglycute is a Swedish group working in art, design, and architecture. www.uglycute.com

Uglycute consists of:
Andreas Nobel
Fredrik Stenberg
Jonas Nobel
Markus Degerman

Supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Oslo.