Performance by Andrea Parkins

Performance in the Exhibition
Monday 6 December 2021
kl. 19.00

Welcome to Parkins` performance at ROM!

“I make sonic spaces for the stray.”

I’m considering subjectivity in the context of sound: in relation to my own embodiment as a performer and through that embodiment’s gestural extension into composition; and also my refusal of – or at least ambivalence about - mastery.

Andrea Parkins is a Berlin-based sound artist, composer, and improviser who engages with interactive electronics as material and process. As a “sound-ist,” during the past two decades she has become known for her pioneering textural/gestural approach on her electronically processed accordion, and investigation of embodiment and chance with an array of sonic materials: including amplified objects and drawing tools, electronic feedback; and acoustic, electric, and custom-built software instruments.
Parkins' projects encompass multi-channel fixed-media works, improvised electroacoustic performances, electronic music composition; and sound for contemporary dance, experimental film and intermedia performance. Her work has been presented at the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Kitchen, Experimental Intermedia (NYC), Kunsthall Bergen, Kunsthalle Basel, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Strasbourg, among others. Festival appearances have included NEXT/Bratislava, Cyberfest/St. Petersburg, Akousma/Montreal, and many more.