Arkitekturfilm Oslo 2020

Cinemateket & ROM
8 - 11 October 2020

DET VI IKKE VET - Hvordan planlegger og bygger vi for en fremtid vi ikke kjenner?

We have entered the Anthropocene, the age of humans. Humanity is a progressive species, inherently evolving and expanding, and now leaving clear geological traces on the planet. 

The Architecture Film Oslo 2020, Det vi ikke vet, is about the future. Today, humanity faces numerous crucial choices. How do we create opportunities and shape future life? How did the recent past envision our present, and what can we learn from it? How do we, as the present, perceive the future?

"There are two attitudes one can take toward the unknown. One is to accept the guidance of people who claim to know, on the basis of books or the mystic's inspiration. The other is to go out and investigate for oneself."  

- Bertrand Russell (britisk philosopher).

The future and the unknown, as well as humanity's perception of what we don't know, are explored in various ways in the films showcased at Architecture Film Oslo 2020. This year's festival takes us into space, beneath the Earth's surface, into the realm of the sacred, back to the 60s, and into the future. We are introduced to the experimental city that never came to fruition, the futuristic housing project that flopped, human forces that cause destruction, individuals seeking beauty, and those striving to repair and create conditions for future life on the planet.

Film program

Wall-E (2008), Andrew Stanton

The Sense of Beauty (2017), Valerio Jalongo

The Relics of the Future (2017), Rob Lindsay

The Experimental City (2017), Chad Freidrichs

Solaris (1972), Andrej Tarkovskij

Reisen til Melonia (1989), Per Åhlin

New Town Utopia (2018), Christopher Ian Smith

Metropolis (2001), Rintaro

Into Eternity (2010), Michael Madsen

Futuro A New Stance for Tomorrow (1998), Mika Taalina

Earth (2019), Nikolaus Geyrhalter

Architecture of Infinity (2018), Christoph Schaub

Almost Nothing (2018), Anna di Manicor Zimmer Frei

Arkitekturfilm Oslo 2020 was supported by Viken Filmsenter and Oslo kommune.
