UKE 35 2024

Uke 35
August 29 - August 31, 2024

Week 35 is an annual professional festival aimed at an audience interested in a comprehensive understanding of art, architecture, urban development, and public spaces. This year's theme focuses on how fundamental principles in the practice of architecture and art create "spaces of possibility." 

During a three-day seminar, we will explore the relationship between form, color, and space, and how these elements influence ethics, values, and new narratives for the future. We will meet artists and architects who will share their practices, and together we will discuss how form, color, and space are not only physical manifestations with definitional power but also have speculative, poetic, and metaphysical implications. For example, we will consider the question: How does the space accommodate the form, and for whom is the space intended? 

We look forward to sharing three days with you, someone who is interested in the "space of possibilities" created through architecture and art.

Our list of contributors for Week 35 includes:

  • Louwrien Wijers
  • Egon Hanfstingl
  • Ingrid BjørnaaliVera Wyller
  • Arkitekter uten Grenser – Paola Bornaschella
  • Øystein Aasan
  • Ingrid Lønningdal
  • Stein Rønning
  • Sveinung Rudjord Unneland
  • Magnhild Øen Nordahl
  • Marcus Weisen
  • Steffen Håndlykken

The project is supported by Oslo Municipality’s Cultural Agency and KORO.