ROM team

ROM team embodies a diverse range of specialized competances, which continuously takes part in the shaping of ROM’s program. ROM has a dynamic organisatorial model, in which both permanent positions and temporary project based positions makes up the team of 8-10 people. Operating support finances 1,4 positions, thus the team’s operational mode varies, dependent on temporary projects and project funding.

Ahmed Badry
Exhibition technician

Ahmed Badry has been our eminent exhibition technician since 2020. He is himself artist with an in-depth understanding of exhibition making. Ahmed engages in processes of mounting exhibitions with generosity as well as technical expertise and is a much appreciated asset in our exhibition making.

Aidan Moesby
Guest curator 2023/24

For 2023 and 2024, we have received funding from the Norwegian Arts Council's grant program for "residencies." Aidan is a British artist, curator, and writer, identifying as disabled and neurodivergent, who addresses intimate and personal themes in his practice. He possess valuable expertise and a personal commitment to inclusion and accessibility in the field of the arts, which ROM is now very pleased to benefit from!

Aidan Moesby
Guest curator 2023/24

For 2023 and 2024, we have received funding from the Norwegian Arts Council's grant program for "residencies." Aidan is a British artist, curator, and writer, identifying as disabled and neurodivergent, who addresses intimate and personal themes in his practice. He possess valuable expertise and a personal commitment to inclusion and accessibility in the field of the arts, which ROM is now very pleased to benefit from!

Enrique Roura
Head of operation and production

Since September 2022, Enrique has been our stoic head of operation and production. Before/previous to starting at ROM, he worked as art –and magazine technician at MUNCH and The National Museum (in Oslo). Enrique holds a 5-year diploma in architecture from Mexico and a Master of Fine Art degree from NTNU. In parallell to his engagement at ROM, Enrique also works as an artist.

Gjertrud Steinsvåg

Since September 2019, Gjertrud has been ROM’s Director. Her fundamental attitude is that art, architecture, place making and public space is a way of seeing and understanding the world and its changes. Gjertrud is educated both as an artist and a curator, and has previously worked as the director of International projects at Norwegian Crafts, and as program coordinator at the of the Art and Craft departement at The Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

Helena Bjørnevik Ottesen
Public program assistant

Helena recently finished her bachelor degree in Art & Design – Art & Dissemination, at OsloMet 2023. She became a permanent member of the team in October 2022, following a ten week long internship where she convinced us with her engagement for making the often encapsulated professional projects more accessible, especially with regards to young adults – the future’s holders of the power of definition.

Ingrid Halland
Editor in Chief Metode

Ingrid became joined the ROM team in 2020 to develop ideas concerning interdisciplinary text-based projects. This has led us to the launching of Metode: a research-based, web-publishing platform, of which she is the founder and editor-in-chief. Ingrid is also Associate professor of History of Art at The University in Bergen, and Associate professor II at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

Malin Langøy Aarbø
Project coordinator

Malin has been coordinating projects at ROM since june 2022. For many years she has worked as a journalist for the music magazine GAFFA, the local newspaper Stord24, Framtida and Samlaget, and more. She writes unfiltered, honest and humorously about the experience of being a disabled person in an electric wheelchair. Malin is passionate about the individual right of expression, in the context of voicing marginalized groups.

Petrine Vinje
Guest curator 2023/2024

For 2023 and 2024, we have received funding from the Norwegian Arts Council's grant program for "residencies," which means that we are welcoming Petrine to our team. She is a visual artist based in Oslo, and she is completing her doctoral degree in artistic practice at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts in 2023. She has previously served as the chairperson of ROM, and with her, we know that a profound knowledge of ROM's historical role and future potential comes along.

Solveig Tjetland

Solveig started at as a volunteer at ROM in October 2021, and quickly became part of the team. She graduated from The Oslo School of Architecture and Design in January 2023. In parallell to finishing her MA in Architecture, she worked with mediation and project coordination at ROM. As of May 2023, Solveig took on the role of being ROM’s producer, and since then she has been a solution oriented and invaluable resource, with a clear organisatorial overview and engagement in all of our diverse projects and collaborators.

Steinar Brovold Hauge
Public program assistant

Steinar started at ROM as mediation assistant in March 2023. He is currently studying at the MA-program in Fine Art at The Oslo National Academy of the Arts. Steinar is fundamentally interested in art’s social and relational potentiality in relation to various publics, especially with regards to place making.